Adaptation in Urban AreasAdaptation to climate change impacts is a particular challenge for cities as a range of impacts will coincide in densely populated, highly developed and economically vital areas. Vulnerabilities among different parts of a city, sectors, and segments of the population are likely to vary. Impacts of extreme events can ripple through a community and affect regions and markets far beyond by way of the myriad connections linking people, goods and services. Cities large and small around the world are beginning to face these challenges. Adaptation Planning in the San Francisco Bay AreaWith funding from the California Energy Commission’s PIER Program, this project assesses the range of barriers that decision-makers in urban communities may encounter as they develop and implement adaptation strategies to manage increasing flooding risks due to sea-level rise. With the support of a post-doctoral researcher from UC-Berkeley, I am examining several cities and counties, identifying technical, scientific, regulatory, social, legal, economic, political and other relevant barriers to potential adaptation options, and pinpointing ways to overcome them. For project-related publications, click here. For related work, see: |