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Communication for Social ChangeMoser, S.C. (2024). Let's Talk About Relocation: Communication and Engagement of Communities Amidst a Societal Transformation. CNAP Summary (based on Moser [2021]). Mazur, L. interviewing S. Moser (2023). Community Care in a Troubled World. Earth Island Journal, available here. Moser, S.C. (2023). Speaking to the heart of the matter: The emergence of a humanistic environmental communication. In: Hansen, A. and R. Cox (eds.) Handbook on Environment and Communication, 2nd. ed. London, Routledge, pp.455-468. Pre-publication available here. Moser, S.C. (2021) Waves of grief and anger: Communicating through the “end of the world” as we knew it. In: Global Views on Climate Relocation and Social Justice: Navigating Retreat, eds. Idowu Jola Ajibade and A.R. Siders, Routledge, pp.273-288. Available here. Akerlof, K. L., Timm, K., Ebbin, S. A., Gambill, J. M., Grifman, P. M., Miller, T., & Moser, S. (2021). Asking questions for adaptation: Using public and stakeholder surveys as a tool within coastal climate change policy processes. Yusuf, J. E. & St. John, B. (Eds.) Communicating climate change: Making environmental messaging accessible. Routledge, 15-35. Pre-publication available here. Moser, S.C., and Fazey, I. (2021). If it is life we want: A prayer for the future (of the) university. Frontiers in Sustainability 2(30): 662657. doi: 10.3389/frsus.2021.662657. Open access here. Moser, S.C. (2020). Fostering the adaptive mind: Supporting ourselves and each other. In: All We Can Save; Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis, eds. Ayana E. Johnson and Katharine Wilkinson, pp. 270-278, New York: One World Press.. Pre-publication available here. Moser, S.C. (2020). To behold worlds ending. In: A Wild Love for the World: Joanna Macy and the Work of Our Time, ed. Stephanie Kaza, Shambala, pp. 79-88. Pre-publication available here. Moser, S.C. (2020). The work after “It’s too late” (to stop dangerous climate change). WIREs Climate Change, 11(1): e606, doi:10.1002/wcc.606. Pre-publication available here. Gilford, D., S. Moser, B. DePodwin, R. Moulton, and S. Watson (2019), The emotional toll of climate change on science professionals, Eos, 100, published 12/6/19. Available here. Moser, S.C. (2019). How to Cope—and Even Hope—in an Age of Apparent Doom. An Interview with Susanne Moser. Building Green. Available here. Moser, SC. (2019). Despairing about climate change? An Interview with Susi Moser. Earth Island Journal, July 22, 2019. Available here. [Reprinted in DumboFeather.com, Australia, vol61(4), November 2019] The Adaptive Mind. Project Summary. Available here. Personal Resilience and the Adaptive Mind. Selected Resources. Compiled by Susanne Moser (status 2019). Available here. Moser, S.C. (2019). Not for the faint of heart: Tasks of climate change communication in the context of societal transformation. In: Climate and Culture: Multidisciplinary Perspectives of Knowing, Being and Doing in a Climate Change World, G. Feola, H. Geoghegan, and A. Arnall (eds.), pp.141-167. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Pre-publication available here. Moser, S.C. (2019). Improving the communication of changing risks. Contribution to Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center’s Policy Innovations Digital Dialogue No. 3: Communicating Changing Risk, available here. Moser, S.C. (2017). Communicating climate change adaptation and resilience. In: Oxford Encyclopedia on Climate Change Communication, M. Nisbet, ed., Oxford University Press, DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.013.436. Pre-publication available here. Moser, S.C. (2016). Communicating climate change. In: The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, eds. Douglas Richardson, et al. Malden, Oxford: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., available here. Moser, S.C. (2016). Never too old to care: Reaching an untapped cohort of climate action champions. Public Policy & Aging Report, doi:10.1093/ppar/prw029. Moser, S.C. (2016). Reflections on climate change communication research and practice in the second decade of the 21st century: What more is there to say? WIREs – Climate Change, 7(3): 345–369; doi: 10.1002/wcc.403. Prepublication version available here. Cloyd, E., S.C. Moser, E. Maibach, J. Maldonado and T. Chen (2016), Engagement in the Third US National Climate Assessment: Commitment, capacity, and communication for impact. Climatic Change, Special Issue on the Third US National Climate Assessment, 135(1):39–54. Moser, S.C. and C. Berzonsky (2015). Hope in the face of climate change: A bridge without railing. Working paper available here. Moser, S.C. (2015). Communicating Ocean and Climate Change Impacts & Solutions. Factsheet prepared for the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC). Oakland, CA. Available here. Moser, S.C. and C. Pike (2015). Community engagement on adaptation: Meeting a growing capacity need. Urban Climate, 14(Part 1): 111-115. Prepublication available here. Moser, S.C. and C. Berzonsky (2015). "There must be more: Communication to close the cultural divide." In: O’Brien and E. Silboe (eds.), The Adaptive Challenge of Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, pp. 287-310. Pre-publication version is available here. Moser, S.C. (2014) “Whither the heart(-to-heart)? Prospects for a humanistic turn in environmental communication as the world changes darkly.” In: Hansen, A. and R. Cox (eds., 2014), Handbook on Environment and Communication. London: Routledge, in press. Pre-publication version is available here. Moser, S.C. (2014). Communicating climate change adaptation: The art and science of public engagement when climate change comes home. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews–Climate Change 5:337–358. Pre-publication version available here. Moser, S.C. (2013). Possibilities and prospects of social change in response to the environmental crisis: Introduction to Part 4. In: World Social Science Report 2013, 281-286, UNESCO, ISSC, Paris. Moser, S.C. (2013). Navigating the political and emotional terrain of adaptation: Communication challenges when climate change comes home. In: Successful Adaptation to Climate Change: Linking Science and Practice in a Rapidly Changing World, ed. S.C. Moser and M.T. Boykoff, Routledge, London. Prepublication available here. Moser, S.C. (2012). Climate Change in Paradise: Engaging the Community in Successfully Preparing for Monterey’s Future. Highlights from Focus Groups Held in April and June 2012. Monterey, CA: Stanford, Center for Ocean Solutions. Available here. Moser, S.C. (2012). Getting real about it: Navigating the psychological and social demands of a world in distress. In: Sage Handbook on Environmental Leadership, Rigling Gallagher, Deborah, Richard N. L. Andrews, and Norman L. Christensen eds., pp. 432-440, SAGE Reference Series on Leadership, Sage. Pre-proof publication here. Wolf, J. and S.C. Moser (2011). Individual understandings, perceptions, and engagement with climate change: Insights from in-depth studies across the world. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews–Climate Change 2(4): 547-569, DOI:10.1002/wcc.120. Available here. Moser, S.C. (2010). History, challenges, process and future directions. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews – Climate Change 1(1): 31-53. Download Moser, S.C. and L. Dilling (2010). Communicating Climate Change: Opportunities and Challenges for Closing the Science-Action Gap. In: The Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society, Richard Norgaard, David Schlosberg, John Dryzek eds., in press. Download a pre-publication version here. Bowman, T. E., et al. (2009). Creating a common language. Science 324 (3 April): 36-37. Download Moser, S.C. (2009). Costly knowledge – unaffordable denial: The politics of public understanding and engagement on climate change. In: The Politics of Climate Change, ed. Max Boykoff, 161-187, Oxford: Routledge. Download pre-publication version here. Moser, S.C. (2009). Communicating climate change and motivating civic action: Renewing, activating, and building democracies.” In: Changing Climates in North American Politics: Institutions, Policymaking and Multilevel Governance, eds. H. Selin and S. VanDeveer, 283-302, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Download Moser, S.C. (2008). Toward a deeper engagement of the U.S. public on climate change: An open letter to the 44th president of the United States of America. International Journal for Sustainability Communication (IJSC) 3: 119-132. Download Moser, S.C. (2008). Time to advance the debate. Book review of Climate Change: What It Means for Us, Our Children and Our Grandchildren, by Joseph F.C. DiMento and Pamela Doughman, eds., The MIT Press. Nature Reports Climate Change, January 2008, available here. Moser, S.C. (2007). In the long shadows of inaction: The quiet building of a climate protection movement in the United States. Global Environmental Politics 7(2): 124-144. Access to the paper here. Moser, S.C. and L. Dilling (eds., 2007). Creating a Climate for Change: Communicating Climate Change and Facilitating Social Change, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Moser, S.C. (2006). Talk of the city: Engaging urbanites on climate change. Environmental Research Letters 1(1). Download. Moser, S.C. and P. Luganda (2006). Talk for a change: Communication in support of societal response to climate change. IHDP Update (Newsletter of the Int. Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change) 6: 17-20. Download Moser, S.C. and L. Dilling (2004). Making climate hot: Communicating the urgency and challenge of global climate change.” Environment 46(10): 32-46. Download Moser, S.C. (2004). Climate change and the sustainability transition: The role of communication and social change. IHDP Update (Newsletter of the Int. Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change) 4: 18-19. Download |