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Susi Live: Videos, Podcosts and InterviewsHere is a selection of Susi speaking about various aspects of her work. Emotions and Climate Adaptation (2023) Susi in conversation with Thomas Doherty and Panu Pihkala about her own journey of facingclimate emotions, and why it is important for all of us. Listen to this episode of the Climate Change and Happiness postcast (Season 2, Episode 14) here.
We Are Destroyed (2023) Susi is one of many experts interviewed for this docu-commentary by Jan Carson Weatherby. I don't think we're quite destroyed yet, but the signs are not good.
How Can I Keep Going? (2023) Susi on Climate Changed, the Podcast of The BTS Center. You can find it here or on Spotify.
The Adaptive Mind Project (2023) Here is the recording of a talk Susi gave to the Conscious Leadership Guild about her work on the Adaptive Mind. Measuring Adaptation Progress and Success: Efforts and Examples from the US (2022)Watch Susi's presentation on measuring adaptation progress and success to the International platform on Adaptation metrics (IPAN) here.
Creating a Climate for Change (2022) Susi was interviewed by Dickon Bonvik-Stone to launch the fabulous he Communicating Climate Change podcast. Listen to it here. Climate Change on the Global Stage (2022)Listen on Soundcloud to this interview Susi did with Hannah Loss on the possibility of talking about climate change on the theater stage.
Good-bye 'normal': What climate change is doing to summers in Canada (2021) Listen to this What on Earth podcast episode, where Susi speaks about the psychology of experiencing climate change, and how to turn the dread or grief from extreme weather into action.
To Be of Use: Making Climate Change Science Relevant in a Fast-Paced, Difficult World (2021) Watch the recording of Susi's talk on how to make science practically relevant and useful at The University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health Department of Environmental Health Sciences (ENHS), the Graduate Student Association (GSA), the Center for Oceans and Human Change and Climate Change Interactions (OHHC2I), and the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) Science Collaborative.
How Do We Move Forward? (2021) Susi talks about best practices in climate change communication in Season 1, Episode 8 of the Little Green Podcast. Listen to it here. Hope in the Anthropocene: The View from Venice (2020)Susi in conversation with Daniel Brombal at the launch of the University of Venice's Center for the Humanities and Social Change. You can watch it here. What Could Possibly Go Right?: Episode 5 (2020)Susi in a wide-ranging conversation with Vicki Robin about hope, societal break-down and resilience. Listen to it here.
Susi gave a brief talk about the state of US adaptation and then participated in a panel discussion on adaptation policy challenges. You can watch her talk (and the panel discussion that followed) here, and check out teh other symposia here.
The Tide Is High But I'm Holdin' On (2019) In this Podship:Earth podcast with Jared Blumenfeld, Susi talks about hope. Listen to the whole episode here.
Terra Verde Radio Interview, KPFA, San Francisco (2019) Susi was interviewed along with her friend and long-term collaborator, Max Boykoff (University of Colorado-Boulder) about the challenges of climate change communication at this time. Listen to it here.
California's Fourth Climate Change Assessment (2018) The California Energy Commission interviewed Susi on her work, helping California prepare for the impacts of climate change.
In this National Research Council workshop, Susi shares insights gained from participating in and resarching assessments. You might find all contributions valuable. Susi's begins at Minute 49.
Listening for Signal (2016) In this film, Susi and a circle of women - scientists, writers, humanists, artists - share with each other what it means to them to face our uncertain human future under climate change.
Susi gave one of the keynote addresses at the Conference on Communication and Environment (COCE) conference in Boulder in June 2015. It starts around minute 10.
No Prospect of an End (2015) Susi participated in a panel discussion on coastal resilience at the University of California-Santa Cruz's 2015 Climate & Policy Conference. It's worth listening to the whole event, but her initial remarks start at minute 25.
Critical Issues in Adapting to Climate Change (2015) In this podcast, Susi and other colleagues speak to the adaptive challenge that sea-level rise poses to everyone living and working on the coast. Restore America's Estuaries and The Coastal Society Plenary (2014) Susi was invited to give the opening keynote address at this biannual meeting. After a few introductory remarks, her speech begins around minute 35. The presentation slides are available here.
Social Transformations to Sustainability workshop (2014) In November 2014, Susi co-lead a workshop on social transformations to sustainability in Potsdam, Germany. This video clip offers some highlights.
White House Event: Release of the US Third National Climate Assessment (2014) On May 6, 2014 Susi hadthe priviledge of participating in an event at the White House, speaking about coastal vulnerabilities and responses to the impacts of sea-level rise.
Climate Access Rountable on the National Climate Assessment (2014) Susi participated in a webinar with others involved in the NCA and other communication experts on how to communicate the assessment findings.
Yale Forum on Climate Change and the Media (2014) A conversation about climate change communication challenges with Richard Alley, moderated by the Yale Forum's Bruce Lieberman.
Governor Jerry Brown's Climate Changers Video Project (2013) Susi was interviewed by Stanford University students for Governor Brown's video project, explaining how climate change is not just a global issue, but also a local one affecting Californians now.
Insurance in an Era of Climate Change (2013)Susi participated in an event on how climate change affects insurance matters on June 28, 2013 in Pasadena, CA, The event was sponsored by the Union of Concerned Scientists, held with California Insurance Commissioner Jones and hosted by California State Senator Carol Liu.
Radio Interview on China's "Voices from Other Lands" (2013) Susi was interviewed by Yunfeng Zheng together with her friend and colleague, Dr. Anthony Leiserowitz, during a climate change communication conference in Beijing. Listen to it here (the segment with Susi starts around minute 12).
IPCC, Special Report on Extreme Events (2012) Susi was one of several scientists interviewed in the video In Harm’s Way, which accompanies the IPCC’s Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation, November 2011.
Radio Interview on her chapter "Getting Real About It" (2012) Susi was interviewed by the Canadian Radio Ecoshock about her publication about environmental leadership in a time of climate change ("Getting Real About It"; you can find it here). Listen to it here.
Briefing for Congressional Staff on Adaptation (2010) Susi participated in a Congressional briefing organized by the American Meterological Society (AMS) on the state of adaptation to climate change impacts in the US in January 2010.